Berikut ini contoh Karya Tulis (Paper) dalam bahasa Ingggris. Judul dari makalah ini adalah Equality Among People. Selain membahas equality among people, dalam tulisan ini juga terdapat teks terjemah, serta vocabulary, grammar, dan soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan teks tersebut. Untuk lebih lengkapnya, langsung aja check it out.... :)

All people are created equal in right, dignity and the potential to achieve great things. Islam is a religion with a beautiful simplicity and the spiritual wholeness that Islam encompasses. Under Islam, all – black, white, red and yellow – are at one on justice, freedom and equality.

For Islam, the most honored people not counted by their intelectuality or financial states, but in the level of piety and fear of God, thats what we call taqwa. People are made equal in God's eyes and one's true test of character is not decided by what tribe or ethnicity they are from but rather how virtous and pious the individual. Islam emphasize the point that all of the God fearing believers of this world are a part of a single brotherhood.

a.       What is the content of the text in chapter 3?
b.      What is the translate of the text in chapter 3?
c.       What grammar that we can discuss from this text?

a.       To know what is the content of the text in chapter 3
b.      To translate the text in chapter 3
c.       To make some questions from the text in chapter 3
d.      To know what grammar that we can discuss from this text

            A.    TEXT


(Speech was delivered by Imam Mohamed Baianonie at the Islamic Center of Raleigh, N.C.,)
Allah (S.W.T.) says in surat Al-Hujurat, (verse 13), what be translated as, "O Mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is he who has most taqwa among of you. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware."
With this verse, Islam declares equality among people, that is because Islam respect a human for being a human not for any other reason; Islam dose not distinguish between two races, or two groups of people, or between two colors, and the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) addressed the people signifying that concept during the last pilgrimage, saying:
"O People! Your God is one; your father is one; no preference of an Arab neither over non-Arab nor of a non-Arab over an Arab or red over black or black over red except for the most righteous. Verily the most honored of you is the most righteous."

Not only did Islam emphasize the equality principle theoretically, but did it practically in some of the worship acts that translated this principle into a sensible fact that does not escape people minds, thus: in the mosques where Friday prayer is held once every week, as well as the five daily prayers; equality is exercised practically and all the differences vanishes among people. That is, whoever came to the Mosque first, took his place in the front rows despite his financial states or position, and whoever come late, his place is late and if you look at any row among the prayer's rows, you would find in that row the rich and poor, the knowledgeable and the one with no knowledge, the Arab and the non Arab, no differences all the same in sight of Allah (S.W.T.), their direction during prayer, as well as their reveled book, as their Lord is one and also their movements during the prayer following one Imam.

Also in the holy land where the annual pilgrimage and the Omrah is performed, the equality is even clearer and stronger that is because during prayer people may differ in their clothes but during pilgrimage and Omrah the Ihram situation oblige everyone to only wear simple white clothes which equates the rich and the poor, the governor and governed, all walking around Ka'bah asking one lord.

Also, another practical application of equality in Islam, is the equality among people in front of the law and regulations. What is allowed is for all people and what is forbidden as well upon all people. The obligations are upon everyone, and whoever deserved punishment gets it, regardless.

An example of such was when some of the companions talked to Osama Bin Zaid, the favorite of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), to intervene for the sake of the well reputed woman from Qurach tribe who deserved punishment for stealing (that is cutting her hand),Osama talked to the prophet (S.A.W.), the prophet (S.A.W.) got angry and said, 
"Those before you were districted, that is because the renowned is untouched when he steals, and the poor is punished, verily if Fatima daughter of Muhammad stole, I would have cut her hand."
Also during the period of guided khalafahs there are many examples of the application of the equality principle. Here are two examples:

1st example: the story of Jebelah Bin Al Ayham who was a Gasan tribe's prince and the bedwein who complained to kalafe Omar that Jebelah (the prince) has slapped him, then Omar brought Jebelah and told him to let bedwein retaliate, a slap for slap unless the bedwein forgives him, this was taken difficulty by the Gasan prince and told Omar: How does he retaliate and I am a prince and he is a common. Omar answered: Islam has made equal out of you. That did not satisfy Jebelah, and he escaped from Madinah then abandoned Islam, but that did not cause any one's concern because one's abandoning Islam is much trivial than abandoning such a principle of Islam"equality"

The 2nd example was the story of khalif Omar and his governor to Egypt Amer Bin Al Aus when the son of governor struck a Christian man and told him that he is the son an honored family that man went from Egypt to Madinah complaining, then khalif Omar called the governor and his son and older the man to strike the son of the governor the same way he was struck, and turned to Amer Bin Al ‘Aus the governor and said: "When did you enslave people and their mothers born then free."

This is Islam: emphasizing the equality and applying it in the society since 1400 years ago, when during that time mankind used to suffer the worst distinction among people and individuals in society and readied the enslaving of the human to his brother the human.

This is the secrete that made Islam and Muslims prevail nations in the past. It is a mistake to think that Islam prevailed only because Muslims like dying in the battles as other like to live. Islam did not prevail through battles only, but because Islam is a complete unique guidance for life, unique in it's rituals, beliefs, dealings and morals and from all with all that the religion of Allah is comprised, and with all that Muslims won and prevailed in the past, and with it Muslims can prevail and rule these days or any other time.



(Pidato disampaikan oleh Imam Mohamed Baianonie di Islamic Center Raleigh, NC.,)
Allah (SWT) berfirman dalam surat Al-Hujarat, (ayat 13), yang artinya "Wahai Manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan, dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku, supaya kamu saling kenal mengenl. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah adalah orang yang paling bertaqwa di antara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Mengenal. "

Dengan ayat ini, Islam menyatakan kesetaraan antara manusia, itu karena Islam menghormati manusia untuk menjadi manusia tidak untuk alasan lain; Islam tidak membedakan antara dua ras, atau dua kelompok manusia, atau antara dua warna, dan Nabi Muhammad (SAW) bersabada kepada manusia mengenai konsep tersebut selama haji terakhir, beliau berkata: "Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya Rabb kalian adalah satu, bapak kalian juga satu, tidak ada keutamaan bagi orang Arab atas orang Ajam/asing dan tidak bagi orang Ajam atas orang Arab, tidak bagi orang kulit merah atas kulit hitam, dan tidak bagi orang kulit hitam atas kulit merah, kecuali dengan taqwa. Sesungguhnya yang paling mulia diantara kalian adalah dia yang paling bertaqwa."

Islam tidak hanya menekankan prinsip kesetaraan secara teoritis, tetapi melakukannya secara praktis dalam beberapa tindakan ibadah yang diterjemahkan prinsip ini menjadi fakta yang masuk akal yang tidak luput dari pikiran orang, demikian: di masjid-masjid di mana shalat Jumat diadakan sekali setiap minggu, begitu juga shalat lima waktu; kesetaraan dilaksanakan secara praktis dan semua perbedaan hilang** antara orang-orang. Maksudnya, siapa pun yang datang ke Masjid pertama, mengambil tempat di baris depan tidak peduli status ekonomi  atau jabatannya, dan siapa pun yang datang terlambat, tempatnya di belakang, dan jika kamu melihat setiap baris antara barisan sholat, kamu akan menemukan dalam barisan tersebut si kaya dan si miskin, orang yang berpengetahuan dan yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan, orang Arab dan non Arab, tidak ada perbedaan semua sama di sisi Allah (SWT), arah mereka selama sholat, begitu juga kitab suci mereka, juga Tuhan mereka adalah satu dan juga gerakan mereka selama sholat mengikuti satu Imam. **hilang tiba-tiba

Juga di tanah suci di mana ibadah haji tahunan dan umrah dilakukan, kesetaraan ini bahkan lebih jelas dan kuat itu karena selama sholat orang mungkin berbeda dalam pakaian mereka tetapi selama haji dan umrah situasi Ihram mewajibkan setiap orang untuk hanya memakai pakaian putih sederhana yang menyamakan si kaya dan si miskin, gubernur dan rakyat, semua berjalan mengelilingi Ka'bah meminta kepada satu Tuhan.

Juga, aplikasi praktis lain kesetaraan dalam Islam, adalah kesetaraan antara manusia di depan hukum dan undang-undang. Apa yang diperbolehkan adalah untuk semua orang dan apa yang dilarang juga kepada semua orang. Kewajiban berada di atas semua orang, dan siapa pun pantas menerima hukuman, tak terkecuali.

Contoh aplikasi tersebut adalah ketika beberapa sahabat berbicara dengan Osama Bin Zaid, favorit Nabi Muhammad (SAW), demi menghalangi wanita terpandang dari suku Quraysh yang akan menerima hukuman karena mencuri (yaitu ditptong tangannya), Osama berbicara kepda Nabi (SAW), Nabi (SAW) marah dan bersabda, "Sesungguhnya yang membinasakan orang-orng sebelum kalian, adalah manakala ada orang yang terpandang (terhormat) dri mereka mencuri, maka merekapun membiarkannya. Namun jik ada orang yang lemah dan hina di antara mereka ketahuan mencuri, maka dengan segera mereka melaksanakan hukuman terhadapnya. Demi Allah, sekiranya Fatimah Binti Muhammad mencuri, aku sendiri yang akan memotong tangannya. "

Juga selama periode pemerintahan khalifah ada banyak contoh dari penerapan prinsip kesetaraan. Berikut adalah dua contoh:

Contoh pertama: kisah Jebelah Bin Al Ayham yang adalah seorang pangeran suku Gasan dan bedwein yang mengadu kepada kholifah Umar bahwa Jebelah (pangeran) telah menamparnya, lalu Umar membawa Jebelah dan menyuruhnya untuk membiarkan bedwein membalas, satu tamparan untuk satu tamparan kecuali bedwein memaafkan dia, hal ini sulit diterima oleh pangeran Gasan dan dia berkata kepada Omar: Bagaimana bisa dia membalas padahal saya seorang pangeran sedangkan ia adalah rakyat jelata. Umar menjawab: Islam telah menjadikan sama diantara kalian. Hal tersebut tidak membuat Jebelah puas, dan ia melarikan diri dari Madinah kemudian metinggalkan Islam, tapi itu tidak menyebabkan kekhawatiran siapapun karena seseorang meninggalkan Islam jauh sepele daripada meninggalkan prinsip seperti Islam "kesetaraan"

Contoh kedua adalah kisah Khalif Umar dan gubernurnya di Mesir Amer Bin Aus ketika anak gubernur memukul seorang pria Kristen dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ia adalah putra keluarga terhormat orang tersebut pergi dari Mesir ke Madinah untuk mengadu, maka Khalif Umar memanggil gubernur dan anaknya dan menyuruh orang tadi untuk menyerang anak gubernur dengan cara yang sama ia dipukul, dan berpaling kepada gubernur Amer bin 'Aus dan berkata: "Kenapa kamu memperbudak orang, padahal ibu mereka melahirkan mereka dalam keadaan bebas."

Ini adalah Islam: menekankan kesetaraan dan menerapkannya di masyarakat sejak 1400 tahun yang lalu, ketika selama waktu itu manusia terbisa menderita perbedaan terburuk di antara manusia dan individu dalam masyarakat dan terbiasa memperbudak manusia saudara mereka sesama manusia.
Ini adalah rahasia yang membuat Islam dan Muslim menjadi bangsa yang kokoh di masa lalu. Ini adalah suatu kesalahan jika berpikir bahwa Islam menang hanya karena umat Islam bersedia mati dalam pertempuran, tetapi karena Islam adalah sebuah panduan hidup yang lengkap dan unik, unik dalam ritualnya, keyakinan, hubungan dan moral dan dari semua itu agama Allah didirikn, dan dengan semua itu umat Islam menang dan jaya dimasa lalu, dan dengan itu umat Islam dapat berjaya dan memerintah hari ini atau waktu lain.

Distinguish           : membedakan
Righteous             : berbudi, budiman
Emphasize            : menekankan, menegaskan
Sensible                : masuk akal, berpikiran sehat, bijaksana
Vanishes               : lenyap, menghilang
Despite                 : meskipun, walaupun
Oblige                  : mengharuskan
Deserved              : berhak mendapat
Regardless            : tanpa memperhatikan/menghiraukan
Intervene              : menghalangi
Verily                   : kebenaran
Retaliate               : membalas (dendam)


Answer the following questions based on the text.
1.      Why Islam declares equality among people?
Becouse Islam respect a human for being a human not for any other reason.
2.      Is there any verse of the Quran that that declares the equality among people? What verse is it?
Yes there is. Surat Al-Hujarat verse 13.
3.      Since when the equality has been emphasizing and appliying by Islam?
Since 1400 years ago.
4.      Did Islam only emphasize the equality principle theoretically?
No, it didn't. Islam not only emphasize the equality principle theoretically, but also practically.
5.      In what acts this prinsiple translated?
In some of the worship acts.
6.      Is there in the holy land the equality principle also applied?
Yes there is, it is even clearer and stronger
7.      Is the equality among people also applied in front of the law and requlations? Explain!
Yes it is, the obligations are upon everyone, what is allowed is for all people and what is forbidden as well upon all people.
8.      Is there any examples of the application of the equalit principle during the period of guided khalafahs?
Yes, there is.

Fill in the blanks by referring to the description in the text.
1.      The topic of the text talks about: Equality Among People
2.      The caracters in the text are:
a.      Allah SWT
b.      The Prophet Muhammad SAW
c.       Osama Bin Zaid
d.      Jebelah Bin Al Ayham
e.       Bedwein
f.        Khalif Omar
g.      Amer Bin Al Aus
h.      Muslims
3.      The verse that declares equality among people:
Surat Al-Hujarat, Verse 13
4.      The worship acts that translated the equality priciple:
a.      Friday prayer
b.      The five daily prayer
c.       Pilgrimage and Omrah

Fill inthe blanks using the word you find in the text.
1.      Ied Fitri is an annual event.
2.      Mr. Marzuki is a very sensible person
3.      Her wound is getting worst.
4.      Cigarettes are forbidden in the classroom
5.      Whoever break the law should deserve the punishment
6.      It is a secrete, you have to tell nobody
7.      My favorite ice cream comprised by chocolate and vanilla flavour
8.      You have to install the application first before use it.
Intepret the following words by referring to the text above.
1.      ...but it practicall in some of the worship acts (the equality principle)
2.      Becouse during pryer people may differ in their clothes (people)
3.      A slap for a slap unless the bedwein forgive him (Jabelah bin al Ayham)
4.      ... he is the son an honored family (Amer bin Al Aus)
5.      Appliying it in the sosiety since 1400 years ago (the equality principle)
6.      With it muslims can prevail and rule these days or any other time (the equality)
7.      This is the secrete that made Islam and muslims prevail (defend) nations in the past (the equality)


1.      Transitive Verb (Kata Kerja Tansitif)
Transitive verb adalah kata kerja yang memiliki objek untuk melengkapi pengertiannya. Dengan kata lain kata kerja ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri tanpa noun (kata benda) atau pronoun (kata ganti) sebagai objek.
Some verbs have an object. The object of the verb is the person or thing that affected by the action of the verb. Verb that have object called transitive verbs.
·         John likes apples
·         My sister cooks all our meals
·         I have bought a book
(The verb are printed in bold, and the object are printed in italic)

2.      Intransitive Verb (Kata Kerja Intransitif)
Intransitive verb adalah kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan objek (karena memiliki pengertian lengkap) dan kata kerjanya selalu berbentuk kata kerja aktif.
Some verb don't have an object. A verb that does not have an object is called intransitive verb.
·         In China, lots of people walk to work
·         She is criying
·         Mr. Ahmad always drives very carefully

3.      Exersice
Read the following sentences. Underline the verb in each sentence.
1.      We live in an apartement on the boulevard
2.      Some children learn very fast
3.      We go for swimming lessons on Sunday
4.      I like my new bike
5.      Babies sometimes sleep during the day
6.      My dad buys a newspaper every morning
7.      He feeds the horse on grain
8.      I often walk to school with my dad
9.      Sarah sometimes reads in bed at night
10.  My sister plys the piano very well


From the text above we know that:
·         Islam declares equality among people becouse Islam respect a human for being a human not for any other reason
·         Islam not only emphasize the equality principle theoretically, but also practically
·         The equality principle emphasize practically in some of the worship acts, that is Friday prayer, tha five daily prayes in the mosques, etc.
·         Another practical application of the equality in Islam is the equality among people in front of the law and regulations
·         Islam emphasizing and appliying the equality principle in the society since 1400 years ago
·         Islam is a complete unique guidance of life

In the preparation of this paper, there are still many short comings and weaknesses. Cruticism and advice is always disposed to support the writers for the sake of perfection and writing paper on occasion the next opportunity. Hopefully this paper is useful for the writers in particular are also dear readers in general.

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Soedirman, Smart Dictionary 900 Milliard, Surabaya: Karya Ilmu, 2012
Ahmad Kardimin, Fundamental English Grammar, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2009

Howard Sargeant, Basic English Grammar for English Language Learners, United States: Saddleback  Education Publishing, 2007

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