THE QUR'AN (English Paper)

In this global era, there are many people said that they are moslems. But not all of them know what is exactly the funtion of the Qur’an, how was it revealed, and preserved.
    1. What is the Qur’an and its funcion?
    2. How was the Qur’an revealed and preserved?
    3. What is personal pronoun and its kinds?

  1. To know what is the Qur’an and its funcion.
  2. To know how was the Qur’an revealed and preserved.
  3. To know what is personal pronoun and its kinds.

The Qur’an is the book of Allah. Every word of the Qur’an is the word of Allah. It is a book of Guidance. It is preserved in its original form. Not a single word of it has been changed or lost. It is found today exactly as it was revealed to the prophet Muhammad  (p.b.u.h.). How was the Qur’an revealed to the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)? Allah revealed Qur’an through the Angel Gabriel. Gabriel passed on Allah’s words to Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), then Muhammad  (p.b.u.h.) asked his secretary to write down exactly what Gabriel told him.
The revelation was completed over a period of 23 years. Some Muslims learn the whole of the Qur’an by heart, but all Muslims learn parts of the Qur’an by heart. It is preserved through memory as well as writing. It was written down from the very beginning. Allah has given his protection to it and it will always be preserved. Nobody can change it, as was said by Allah, “Allah sent it and will protect it”.
a.      Translation
Al-Qur’an adalah kitab Allah. Setiap kata dalam al-Qur’an adalah firman Allah. Al-Qur’an adalah buku pedoman. Ia terjaga keasliannya. Tidak satu kata pun pernah berubah atau hilang. Al-Qur’an saat ini sama persis seperti saat di wahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Bagaimana al-Qur’an di wahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW? Allah mewahyukan al-Qur’an melalui malaikat jibril. Jibril menyampaikan firman Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW, lalu Nabi Muhammad SAW meminta juru tulisnya untuk menulis persis seperti yang Jibril katakan padanya.
Proses penurunan al-Qur’an selesai dalam kurun waktu 23 tahun. Beberapa  umat islam hafal keseluruh al-Qur’an, tapi seluruh umat  islam hafal sebagian al-Qur’an. Al-Qur’an terjaga dalam ingatan sebaik dalam tulisan. Hal tersebut sudah tertulis sejak awal. Allah telah memberikan perlindunga-Nya pada al-Qur’an dan al-Qur’an akan selalu terjaga. Tak seorang pun bisa mengubahnya, seperti yang telah difirmankan oleh Allah, “Allah mengirimnya dan akan menjaganya”.
b.      Vocabulary
to preserve                        =          menjaga, melestarikan
guidance                           =          pedoman ,petunjuk 
exactly                              =          persis, tepat
to change                          =          mengubah
to complete                      =          menyempurnakan
to pass on                         =          menyampaikan
to protect                          =          melindungi
to reveal                           =          mewahyukan
to learn by heart               =          menghafalkan

1.         Answer The Following Question According To The Text
1. What is the Qur’an?
(Apakah al-Qur’an itu?)
2. What does it contain?
(Apa yang terkandung didalamnya?)
3. Is there any change in the Qur’an or is still original?
(Apakah ada perubahan pada al-Qur’an atau masih asli?)
4. How did Allah send the Qur’an to Muhammad  (p.b.u.h.)?
(Bagaimana Allah mengirim al-Qur’an kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW?)
5. What did the Angel Gabriel do with the Qur’an?
(Apa yang dilakukan Malaikat Jibril dengan al-Qur’an?)
6. What did the prophet Muhammad  (p.b.u.h.) do at the time when the Qur’an was revealed?
(Apa yang Nabi Muhammad SAW lakukan ketika al-Qur’an diturunkan?)
7. After how long was the revelation completed?
(Setelah berapa lama proses penurunan al-Qur’an selesai?)
8. Do all muslims learn parts of the Qur’an by heart? What parts do you think?
(Apakah seluruh umat islam hafal sebagian al-Qur’an? Bagian apa menurutmu?)
9. How was the Qur’an preserved?
(Bagaimana al-Qur’an terjaga?)
10. Was the Qur’an guaranteed to be original forever? Explain.
(Apakah al-Qur’an terjamin keasliannya selamanya? Jelaskan.)
  • ANSWER :

1. Qur’an is the book of Allah
(Al-Qur’an adalah kitab Allah)
2. It contains the words of Allah
(Al-Qur’an berisi firman-firman Allah)
3. No, there is not. Because it is preserved in its original form by Allah
(Tidak ada. Karena al-Quran terjaga dalam bentuk aslinya oleh Allah)
5. Allah sent the Qur’an trough the Angel Gabriel.
(Allah mengirim al-Qur’an melalui Malaikat Jibril)
6. Angel Gabriel passed on the Qur’an by Allah to Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)
(Malaikat Jibril menyampaikan al-Qur’an dari Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW)
7. At the time when the Qur’an was revealed Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) asked his secretary to write down exactly what Gabriel told him.
(Ketika al-Qur’an turun Nabi Muhammad SAW meminta juru tulisnya untuk menulis sama persis dengan apa yang Jibril katakan padanya)
8. The revelation was completed  over a perriod of 23 years.
(Proses penurunan al-Qur’an selesai dalam kurun waktu 23 tahun)
9. Yes, they do. They learn by heart some short suras of Qur’an like sura al-Faihah etc.
(Ya, mereka hafal sebagian. Mereka menghafal surat-surat pendek al-Qur’an seperti surat al-Fatihah dll.)
10. It was preserved through memory as well as writing
(Al-Qur’an terjaga dalam ingatan sebaik dalam tulisan)
11. Yes, it was. Because it was written down from the very beginning and as said by Allah,” Allah sent it and will protect it”.  
(Ya. Karena hal itu telah tertulis sejak awal dan sebagaimana difirmankan oleh Allah, “Allah mengirimnya dan akan menjaganya.”)
2.         Text Discussion

complete the following blanks
1. The definition of the Qur’an        :
(Pengertian al-Qur’an)
2. The function of the Qur’an          :
(Fungsi/kegunaan al-Qur’an)
3. The way it was preserved                        :
(bagaiman al-Qur’an dijaga)
4. The length of time over which it was revealed    :
(Lamanya waktu al-Qur’an diturunkan)
1. The Qur’an is the book of Allah
   (Al-Qur’an adalah kitab Allah)
2. The function of the Qur’an is as the book of guidance
(Fungsi al-Qur’an adalah sebagi buku petunjuk)
3. It was preserved through memory as well as writing
(Al-Qur’an terjaga dalam ingatan sebaik dalam tulisan)
4. The revelation was completed over a period of 23 years
(Penurunannya selesai dalam kurun waktu 23 tahun)

3.             Vocabulary Development

Fill in the blanks with words from the text.
1. The Qur’an…….. throught the memory of muslim people and  writing
(Al-Qur’an ……… dalam ingatan umat islam dan dalam tulisan)
2. God …….. the Qur’an  throught the angel Gabriel.
(Tuhan …………. al-Qur’an melalui Malaikat Jibril)
3. The ……. Of the prophet wrote the Qur’an down in its original form.
(………………. Nabi menulis al-Qur’an dalam bentuk aslinya.)
4. The Qur’an ……. by God as it was said in the Qur’an.
(Al-Qur’an …………… oleh Tuhan seperti telah difirmankan dalam al-Qur’an)
5. The Sarjana (S-1) study program can …….. in 5 to 7 years.
(Program belajar sarjana (s-1) bisa ………………… dalam 5 sampai 7 tahun)
  1. Preserved (terjaga)
  2. Revealed (menurunkan)
  3. Secretary (sekretaris/juru tulis)
  4. Was preserved (dijaga)
  5. Be completed (selesai)

4.             Reference

  • It is preserved in its original form.

It         : The Qur’an
Its        : The Qur’an

  • Muhammad asked his secretaries to write down exactly

What Gabriel told him
His       : Muhammad (p.b.u.h)
Him     : Muhammad (p.b.u.h)

  • Allah has given His protection to it and it will always be preserved.

His       : Allah
It         : The Qur’an

    1. 1.      Personal pronoun
The personal pronoun is a set of pronoun which represent the grammatical category of person. There are three kinds of personal pronouns:

Subject Pronouns
Object Pronouns
Possesive Pronouns
First Person Singular
Second Person Singular
Third Person Singular
  • He
  • She
  • It
    • Him
    • Her
    • It
      • His
      • Hers
      • -
First Person Plural
Second Person Prular
Third Person Plural

2.      Examples:
  • I speek English and arabic
  • You must obey your parent
  • He is like his father
  • She is found of travelling
  • They are going to book their tickets
  • We must learn hard
 3.      Exercise
     a.  Fill in the blank with appropriate personal pronouns.
  1. Ahmad is a good student……… studies in I.A.I.N. Walisongo.
  2. Anisah is a brilliant student …….. comes from Pati.
  3. They study hard. Both of …… are bright students.
  4. …….. am happy to have friends like……
  5. We are all friends, ……. work and study together.
  6. This book belongs to Ahmad. ……. is about education.
  7. There are a lot of books in the library. ……..can be borrowed by students.
  8. The book with a red cover belongs to Anisah……. is about psychology.
  9. Ali sometimes lends me ……. books and Anisah lends me…….. books. They lends me ……. Books.
  10. Can you lend …… your books ? are ………?
  1. Ahmad is a good student. He studies in I.A.I.N. Walisongo.
  2. Anisah is a brilliant student. She comes from Pati.
  3. They study hard. Both of them are bright students.
  4. I am happy to have friends like you
  5. We are all friends, we work and study together.
  6. This book belongs to Ahmad. It is about education.
  7. There are a lot of books in the library. They can be borrowed by students.
  8. The book with a red cover belongs to Anisah. It is about psychology.
  9. Ali sometimes lends me his books and Anisah lends me her books. They lend me their Books.
  10. Can you lend me your books ? are you?
b. Replace the words in italics with appropriate personal pronouns.
  1. Fatimah sent Ahmad a book yesterday.
  2. This book is about theology.
  3. The book was bought by Ani and you and I always read that book
  4. Amir and susi went to the library to borrow the books
  5. You can invite Ani and me to come to your party
  • Answer :
1.      Shesent Him a book yesterday.
2.      It is about theology.
3.      It was bought by herand we always read that book
4.      They went to the library to borrow it
5.      You can invite us to come to your party


From text above, we can take conclutions:
  • The Qur’an is a book of Allah. It is a book of Guidance. Every word of the Qur’an is the word of Allah.
  •  It is preserved in its original form. It is preserved through memory as well as writing. Not a single word of it has been changed or lost. Allah has given his protection to it and it will always be preserved. Nobody can change it, as was said by Allah, “Allah sent it and will protect it”.
  • The revelation was completed over a period of 23 years. Allah revealed Qur’an through the Angel Gabriel. Gabriel passed on Allah’s words to Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), then Muhammad  (p.b.u.h.) asked his secretary to write down exactly what Gabriel told him.
  • The personal pronoun is a set of pronoun which represent the grammatical category of person. There are three kinds of personal pronouns, they are subject pronoun, object pronoun and possesive pronoun.
In the preparation of this paper, there are still  many short comings and weaknesses. Critism and advice is always dispossed to support the writers for the sake of perfection and writing paper on occasion the next opportunity. Hopefully this paper is useful for the writers in particular are also dear readers in general.
Darwis, Djamaluddin,, “English for Islamic Studies”, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada
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